AIRBOSS DEFENSE GROUP was formed in January 2020 with the merger of AirBoss Defense, a global leader in Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) and Critical Solutions International, an industry leader that delivers best-in-class route clearance and counter-IED solutions. ADG further expanded in May 2021 when it merged with BlackBox Biometrics, the leader in sensor technology that instantly assesses forces that can cause traumatic brain injury. The company is also recognized for its rapidly deployable decontamination systems, patient isolation systems, and respiratory protection equipment
AirBoss Defense Group provides military, first responder, and healthcare communities worldwide with a growing and diverse product portfolio, and we pride ourselves on being a survivability solutions provider. We specialize in manufacturing products that have been developed from both established military specifications and independently through AirBoss R&D activities.The combined company includes over 330 employees in five North American locations and has customers in over 70 countries worldwide.
We Protect Those Who Protect Us.
Společnost HQH SYSTEM byla založena v roce 1993 jako dodavatel anti-teroristického a moderního bezpečnostního vybavení pro ministerstva České a Slovenské republiky, ministerstva obrany, speciální jednotky, celní orgány a další státní složky.
S odkazem na naše bohaté zkušenosti v oblasti využití bezpečnostního a taktického vybavení v aktivních situacích, působí naše společnost také jako konzultant a koordinátor v široké škále nových projektů pro výzkum a vývoj v tomto specifickém prostředí.
Pravidelně pořádáme odborná školení se specializací na pokročilé obranné a bezpečnostní technologie vytvořené pro místní i celosvětový trh. Jsme zástupci předních zahraničních výrobců, jejichž produkty se zaměřují na armádu, policii, speciální jednotky, EOD a další.
LENZING™ FR blends for the military have been proven for many years, offering protection, comfort and durability. These blends are easy to print in camouflage prints with infrared properties that comply with demanding military specifications.
In challenging military actions, garments comprising LENZING™ FR fiber, reducing the risk of heat-stress and enhancing physiological performance.
Již více než 15let vyrábíme a vyvíjíme inovativní balistickou ochranu jednotlivce. Veškeré naše výrobky jsou s hrdostí vyrobeny v České republice. Vlastníme taktéž užitné vzory na některé našich produktů.
Zastupujeme na území České republiky tyto exklusivní světové značky:
Silver Oak Leaf Inc is a prime manufacturer of military clothing and gear for the US Military with a focus on technical textiles. During Future Forces Silver Oak Leaf Inc is joined by co-exhibitors representing newest innovation in cold weather protection for hands, feet and face, innovative personal body armor and load carriage systems, new technologies in ceramic materials for body armor and clothing and equipment field repair kits.
Being faced with demanding operations means you expect only the best from your gear. Taiga develops military clothing and uniform systems for military's special forces operating under difficult conditions, everything from the scorching heat of the desert to the freezing rawness of the mountain range. Our clothing systems and proprietary camouflage gear meet the NIR and IRR requirements for military operations and help keep you dry, warm and secure, allowing you to focus on your mission, regardless of the elements.
Wiley X is a global leader in the protective eyewear market, and we supply both military forces and law enforcement personnel with top of the line protective and ballistic eyewear. We are, as such, pioneers in protective eyewear. However, as pioneers, we also experienced a great need for high quality sunglasses that can be worn with confidence outside the battlefield. We recognize that today’s lifestyle poses constant threats to our eyes’ health, and that is why we have created some of the most innovative, functional and color enhancing sunglasses in the world.