21st Century Breaching Kit has taken advanced materials and aerospace designs to modernize explosive entry. Our years in the field convinced us that current breaching systems must be improved. Current breaching systems are effectively live bombs which makes them unsafe to handle, difficult to assemble, transport, and employ. We develop modern capabilities like our unique safe connect system, resulting in more flexible systems that are safe, effective, reliable, and FAST. Our systems save significant costs by reducing build times, lowering net explosive weight, and reducing opportunities for misfires and accidental discharges. We call it the 21st Century Breaching Kit because it is literally bringing breaching technology into the 21st century.
AeroVironment poskytuje technologická řešení na pomezí robotiky, senzorů, softwarové analýzy a konektivity. AeroVironment se sídlem v Arlingtonu ve Virginii je globálním lídrem v oblasti inteligentních robotických systémů s více doménami, které slouží obraně, vládě a komerčním zákazníkům. Za účelem poskytování situačního povědomí taktickým operačním jednotkám prostřednictvím vzdušného průzkumu, sledování a získávání cílů v reálném čase jsou systémy bezpilotních letadel (UAS) společnosti AeroVironment široce využívány agenturami Ministerstva obrany USA a více než 50 spojeneckými vládami.
AIRBOSS DEFENSE GROUP was formed in January 2020 with the merger of AirBoss Defense, a global leader in Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) and Critical Solutions International, an industry leader that delivers best-in-class route clearance and counter-IED solutions. ADG further expanded in May 2021 when it merged with BlackBox Biometrics, the leader in sensor technology that instantly assesses forces that can cause traumatic brain injury. The company is also recognized for its rapidly deployable decontamination systems, patient isolation systems, and respiratory protection equipment
AirBoss Defense Group provides military, first responder, and healthcare communities worldwide with a growing and diverse product portfolio, and we pride ourselves on being a survivability solutions provider. We specialize in manufacturing products that have been developed from both established military specifications and independently through AirBoss R&D activities.The combined company includes over 330 employees in five North American locations and has customers in over 70 countries worldwide.
We Protect Those Who Protect Us.
Atkinson Aeronautics & Technology (Ataero) supports all aspects of training for government and industry customers. Our scalable training portfolio ranges from curriculum development to field technical training, customized to client requirements. Ataero develops and provides specialized training for electromagnetic warfare (EW), electromagnetic spectrum operations (EMSO), technical systems, and operational capabilities. As partners with Battlespace Simulations, Inc. (BSI), we provide user training on their Modern Air Combat Environment (MACE) simulation system, including mission skills training, scenario development, and MACE-EW specialization training.
Barracuda nabízí inovativní bezpečnostní řešení které lze snadno koupit, nasadit a použít. Zabezpečujeme podniky po celém světě a naše zákazníky pořád chráníme a podporujeme.
Daniel Defense je americký výrobce střelných zbraní a příslušenství. Daniel Defense jedním z nejuznávanějších výrobců zbraní platformy AR-15/M4 a dalších typů pušek pro policejní i vojenské využití. Zbraně značky Daniel Defense vynikají vysokou spolehlivostí a perfektním zpracováním do nejmenšího detailu. To, co firmu Daniel Defense odlišuje od konkurence je to, že zbraně skutečně vyrábí. Pušky nebo karabiny Daniel Defense jsou zárukou doživotní kvality, výkonu a spolehlivosti.
GARDANT GLOBAL je konzultační firma zaměřená na vládní zakázky a tendry v USA založená v roce 2006 se sídlem v Boca Raton na Floridě v USA s pobočkami v Arlingtonu ve Virginii (Washington D.C.), UK a v Praze v ČR prostřednictvím naší evropské pobočky SOLAIYA CZ.
SOLAIYA, na rozdíl od tradičních prodejců technologií, dodává časově citlivá, integrovaná, technologická, bezpečnostní a wellness řešení, která jsou specifická pro řešení problémů v dnešním světě.
GE Additive nabízí ucelený soubor řešení pro aditivní výrobu. Využíváme největší světovou kapacitu vlastních expertů, kteří Vám pomohou projít Vaší cestu k aditivní výrobě.
Společnost HUXWRX vyrábí tlumiče a úsťová zařízení.
HUXWRX patentovaná OSS Flow-Through technologie eliminuje zpětný ráz a toxické plyny, které mohou ovlivnit výkon zbraňového systému a zdraví střelce. Jsou navrženy tak, aby poskytovaly vynikající tlumení zvuku, aniž by to nepříznivě ovlivňovalo zbraňový systém.
Jedinečný design nasměruje horké, expandující plyny pryč z vývrtu a jejich směrování dopředu přes tlumič a pryč od obličeje, očí a plic střelce. Ozbrojené síly a orgány činné v trestním řízení po celém světě uznávají výhody technologie OSS Flow-Through technologie a přijímají HUXWRX jako svůj standard tlumení.
Patentovaný uzamykací systém bez použití nářadí zajišťuje, že tlumič zůstane bezpečně namontován na úsťovém zařízení HUXWRX QD.
For the ROCS program, Kaléo intends this device to be useful in protecting civilians and government employees who may come in contact with ultra-potent opioids in the fulfillment of their duties or during a mass casualty event.
KOAMTAC, Inc., headquartered in Princeton, NJ, is focused on empowering data capture in the mobile world of warehousing, healthcare, retail/eCommerce, transportation and logistics, manufacturing, and other industries. With solutions for barcode scanning, RFID reading, mobile point of sale, and enterprise charging made for both Android and iOS, KOAMTAC is the most versatile solution partner.
Headquartered in Bethesda, Maryland, Lockheed Martin is a global security and aerospace company that employs approximately 114,000 people worldwide and is principally engaged in the research, design, development, manufacture, integration and sustainment of advanced technology systems, products and services.
MAG is on the leading edge of technological advances, which enables us to rapidly prototype, integrate, and connect joint, next generation capabilities across air, land, maritime, space and cyberspace domains. This enables us to deliver full-spectrum joint domain command and control services with premier engineering & operational solutions worldwide.
Redstone Technologies is a leader in solutions-oriented global aviation services. Our driven pursuit of excellence ensures exceeding customer expectations at all levels. Our agility and flexible approach allow us to rapidly meet global needs with timely and relevant solutions. We exist to ensure our customer’s satisfaction in the most challenging situations.
Revision develops and delivers purpose-built eye protection for military and tactical use worldwide. Revision specializes in integration for the optimum and necessary balance of protection and performance. To that end, Revision brings together the most advanced expertise, state-of-the-art technology, and finest technical minds.
In today’s fast-paced and highly vulnerable information systems, SecureNinja has a proven track record of assisting Fortune 100, Government, and Military organizations to protect their most valuable assets and lower the overall business risk. The key differentiator is our ability to assist in creating enterprise security solutions that work but also to educate, mentor, and build stronger teams internally to provide proactive cyber warriors.
Silver Oak Leaf Inc is a prime manufacturer of military clothing and gear for the US Military with a focus on technical textiles. During Future Forces Silver Oak Leaf Inc is joined by co-exhibitors representing newest innovation in cold weather protection for hands, feet and face, innovative personal body armor and load carriage systems, new technologies in ceramic materials for body armor and clothing and equipment field repair kits.
We are Subject Matter Experts on the Internet of Things (IoT) protocol space with a focus on cyber security. We have worked under government contract on Bluetooth for over 20 years, and other WLAN/WPAN/IoT protocols in the IoT space for over five years. This work has included vulnerability research along with embedded, firmware, middle-ware, and host software development. We also offer training and security auditing services. And we have recently launched a commercial product line to perform wireless traffic capture and analysis of IoT networks.
Next Generation MDM: Protecting the Device, the Data, and the User all in One Solution. We use "Zero Trust" DOD level encryption to isolate and protect company or government email, files and apps from any/all personal use email/apps on the same device. BYOD is fully supported without the need for an intrusive device profile (MDM) installed.
As a leading global producer of protective fabrics, TenCate is enabling millions of people worldwide to be great at what they do. Generations of professionals in industry, fire service, healthcare, military and police have been relying on our fabrics for safety, comfort and confidence. From the harshest working conditions to the welcoming sight of home. Because we recognize that the people we're protecting are unique individuals whose lives extend beyond work. Supporting their evolving needs, our innovations lead the way in user-centered design, technology and sustainability. At TenCate we are proud to carry on our 300-year-old manufacturing tradition into the future as we continue to design, develop and produce fabrics that bring out the best in professionals. In work as well as in life.
At Viasat, we’re driven to connect every warfighter, platform, and node in the battlespace. As a global communications company, we power millions of fast, resilient connections for military forces around the world – connections with the capacity to transform the mission – in the air, on the ground, and at sea. Our customers depend on us for connectivity that counts, whether we’re securing the U.S. Government’s networks, delivering satellite and wireless communications to the remote edges of the battlespace, or providing senior leaders with the ability to perform mission-critical communications while in flight. We’re driven to redefine connectivity for the battlespace.
Virginia Economic Development Partnership promotes international trade for companies throughout Virginia.
Our mission is to increase the number of Virginia companies selling overseas and their volume of international business, year after year. We assist both new and experienced exporters enter new international markets.
We identify potential new markets, develop market entry strategies, and locate possible distributors and representatives for products or services—all at little to no cost.
Virginia businesses interested in increasing international sales and growing market share can benefit from our export development and supply chain optimization programs, publications, resources, and market research.